Every Qorbs appearance is determined by Qorbs attributes in its genetic code. Each Qorbs attribute is responsible for a different trait of a Qorbs, and together they combine to make each unique Qorbs.
The Qorbs attributes are the following traits:
Eyes-- The shape of the eyes used in combination with Qorbs attributes that identify certain agents in the game.
Eye Color-- The color of the eyes will also determine combination with Qorbs attributes that identify certain agents in the game.
Mouth-- The shape of the mouth. Access to certain special powers.
Hair-- The hair is a Qorbs attribute used in combination with other Qorbs attributes that identify certain agent attributes.
Hair Color-- The hair color is a Qorbs attribute used in combination with Qorbs attributes that identify certain agent attributes.
Clothes-- The clothes identify the default armor strength of the agent.
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