QORB Pools
For QORB Owners: Pledge and Prosper
As a QORB owner, your journey begins on the QorbiWorld.com website. By logging into “My Assets,” you will soon be able to select a button to pledge in the pool. Pledging your QORB means you won’t be able to use it in-game while it’s pledged and pooled (aka “Lend”), but in return, it starts earning rewards for you through allowing others to play with your QORB.
For Players: Compete and Earn on Behalf of the Pool
Don’t own a QORB? No problem! Players can enroll on the QorbiWorld.com website. Here, they can sign up to play on behalf of a QORB within the pool. Players will need to meet specific gameplay limits to withdraw their earnings, starting with an initial limit of 50 matches. But don’t worry, you’ll accumulate rewards with every pool game you play! And if you prefer, you can also sign up directly within the One Tap game to play on behalf of the QORBI pool.
The Rewards: A Win-Win for All
Once you’ve pledged your QORB or signed up to play, the earning begins! QORB owners receive rewards based on the performance of the players playing on their behalf, while players earn a share of the rewards for their gameplay. It’s a win-win situation, creating a dynamic ecosystem where strategy and skill lead to real rewards.
How the rewards works for players:
Players participating in the pool are assigned a QORB at the start of each new match in QuickPlay. The reward payouts are as follows:
Using Own Ember: Players receive 70% of the rewards.
Using Pooled Ember: Players receive 60% of the rewards.
Rewards are distributed for each round won, up to three rounds, with an additional bonus for winning the match. The amount of QORBI tokens rewarded is dynamic and fluctuates based on in-game demand. Detailed per-round reward values will be published on the QorbiWorld.com website before the beginning of the first season.
How the QORB Pool Works for Owners
Welcome to the QORB Pool! Here’s how it works:
Reward Periods
The pool operates on a 24-hour reward cycle starting at 12:01 AM (New York Time) every day.
Rewards are calculated based on the amount of time your QORB spends in the pool during each 24-hour period.
Eligibility for Rewards
To be eligible for rewards, your QORB must remain pledged in the pool for the full 24-hour cycle.
If your QORB is added to the pool after the cycle begins, it will start earning rewards from the next 24-hour cycle.
Early Removal Fee
To encourage consistent participation, removing your QORB from the pool before it has been pledged for 7 full days will result in a 25 QORBI fee.
After 7 days, you can remove your QORB without any penalties.
These rules are subject to change at anytime.
Transparency and Fairness
The system ensures fairness by rewarding QORB owners based on their commitment to the pool.
The longer your QORB stays in the pool, the more rewards you can earn.
Extra Rewards with Ember
Owners can add Ember to the playing pool to help encourage more gamers to play in the pool system.
If you have 500 or more Ember in the pool, you’ll receive an additional share of a 10% bonus reward pool.
Ember can be added or removed at any time, offering flexibility for managing your rewards.
Important: Ember runs out quickly, so keeping a large amount in the pool is recommended to maximize your rewards.
To learn more about Ember see this article https://qorbiworld.medium.com/fuel-your-one-tap-fps-game-with-ember-the-premium-currency-you-need-0c9d62afa71b
Last updated